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SMS earns 2014 AMM Steel Excellence Award – Best Scrap Company of the Year

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NEW YORK — A MM presented 15 Awards for Steel Excellence to 13 companies and one individual at a June 17 dinner in New York celebrating best-in-dass initiatives that have introduced real and quantifiable change to the steel industry.

The fifth annual awards program recognized the efforts of individuals and companies whose ingenuity, dedication and difference-making savvy distinguished 2014s honorees from their peers over the past 12 months

A panel of distinguished judges with a wide-ranging level of expertise evaluated a record number of nominations using a point-based qualitative approach to identify demonstrated excellence among nominees drawn from mills, distributors and other service providers with operations in North America.

The 2014 winners of AMMs Awards for Steel Excellence are:

Scrap company of the year: Large — Scrap Metal Services LLC

Scrap Metal Services LLC is a supplier of ferrous and nonferrous scrap commodities to both domestic and international consumers SMS has seen revenue growth of more than 270 percent over the past five years, and company forecasts for the next five years are bullish.

Scrap Metal Services LLC (SMS) is a supplier of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap commodities to both domestic and international consumers. Burnham, Ill.-based SMS has seen revenue growth of more than 270 percent over the past five years. The growth in employees and other factors also has been significant, and company forecasts for the next five years are bullish. During the past year, SMS has acquired Paul’s Auto Yard Inc. and its subsidiary, Shafer’s Auto Yard Inc., recycling with yards in Indiana and Michigan. SMS was awarded a new mill services contract for the creation of a new slab conditioning and scarfing facility at Severstal North America Inc. in Dearborn, Mich., and has been awarded a U.S. Navy contract to dismantle an aircraft carrier, the first supercarrier to be dismantled in the United States. SMS executives attribute the company’s growth to a willingness to diversify and expand into entirely new areas of business, even in difficult economic times. The company also prides itself on its reliability in shipping quality products regularly with minimal issues from buyers. At the scrapyards themselves, SMS has implemented new software that allows it to keep accurate records and pictures of materials purchased. It has converted its payment system, added more secure anti-theft devices and controls, and adopted stringent environmental standards that include radioactive material detectors. Additionally, SMS has developed safety and environmental programs to help ensure that employees share a safe and healthy workplace. SMS specializes in scrap processing, scrap management and consulting, scrap brokerage, steel mill services, intcrmodal/rail car decommissioning, ship recycling and remediation, and dismantling services. SMS said it will continue to explore other niche businesses and to expand through acquisitions or by opening other greenfield operations as strategic opportunities present themselves.


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