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Responsible Recycling: Know What Materials Not to Scrap

Plastic, glass, metal and paper recycle bins and look to a renown company in Burnham who can help you with all your scrap metal recycling needs.

As a business that generates scrap metal, there is money to be made in recycling that scrap (not to mention good to be done). But before you create your scrap pile and call in a trusted scrap processor like Scrap Metal Services, LLC, it’s important to know some dos and don’ts of scrap recycling, including what materials should not go into your scrap pile. Here’s a look into what you need to know–

Things to Never Put In Your Scrap Pile

If you sort your scrap properly from the beginning and make sure non-scrapable materials stay out of your scrap pile, you can save money and time later on. Things to never put in your scrap pile include:

  • Plastics;
  • Oils;
  • Hazardous materials;
  • Electronic waste; and
  • Paper and cardboard.

While these things shouldn’t be put in your scrap pile for scrap processing (scrap processing is designed only for ferrous and non-ferrous materials), these items can and should be recycled in the majority of cases. Talk to your local recycling company, or contact Scrap Metal Services, LLC for hazardous waste processing.

Others Tips for Smart Scrap Recycling

In addition to recycling responsibly by removing non-scrap materials from your scrap recycling pile, other tips for smart scrap recycling include:


  • Get top dollar by letting scrap accumulate. Rather than taking small piles of scrap as your scrap accumulates, you’ll typically get more money if you wait until you have a big pile. A scrap processor is likely to give you a better deal for a bigger scrap pile, and if you’re having the scrap picked up, you’ll save the company money on transportation costs too.



  • Sort your own scrap. While a company will surely be willing and able to sort scrap for you, you may be able to save money by sorting scrap on your own. This is based purely on the fact that sorting scrap means more labor for a company, and therefore a more significant charge.


Choose the Right Scrap Processing Company for Your Business

Another important thing that you should focus on is choosing the right scrap recycling partner for your business. At Scrap Metal Services, LLC, we are a leader in the scrap processing industry and have more than a decade of experience behind us. To learn more about our scrap processing services and why we make a great partner, contact us today by sending us a message online, or by calling us at 708-730-1400. We look forward to working with you!


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